To a die hard comic book fan, DC Universe Online may seem
like the Holy Grail of video-games. The ability to create a character, choose
their powers, weapons, fighting style, and even customize your own superhero
costume, before going out into thebig bad world and fighting alongside and
against a host of your favourite superheroes and villains, could seem like the
pinnacle of enjoyment. However to the casual gamer DCUO is button-mashing
MMORPG that is mediocre at best.

After waiting so long, when the game actually got started I
really wanted to enjoy it. I made my character, I watched my origin story (sort
of), and it started off looking pretty good. Then I started playing. Within the
first five minutes you can see pretty much everything the game has to offer.
You’ll be travelling from area to area, beating up hordes of cookie cutter
enemies and levelling up every now and again to unlock and upgrade your
The combat starts to open out a little when you unlock new
abilities and really start to customize your fighting style, but most of the
time you’ll just be mashing that one button to pound on everyone.
For people who have played an MMO before, it’s only what’s
to be expected, but for people looking for a varied action game, you might be
better looking somewhere else. It’s hard not to make comparisons to games like
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, as you are essentially doing the same thing, yet I
couldn’t help but feel like M:UA did it better.

Also, the inclusion of well known characters from the DC
Universe make the game feel more authentic than other games in this vein. Take
X Men: Destiny for example, which was a colossal let down, featured very few
actual X-Men references beyond the fact that you’re a mutant. DCUO is brimming
with iconic heroes and villains, that really make you feel involved in this
DCUO is an MMO that does what an MMO should do. For people
who enjoy these sorts of games, or just want to make your own DC character and
pretend you’re a genuine part of the canon, this could be quite enjoyable. For
everyone else, it might be worth a try, purely because it’s free! Just so long
as you can find a way to otherwise occupy yourself for nine and a half hours...
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