First of
all, let’s recap. In the first game, a virus got released turning the city into a
mutant-infested, zombie-ridden, hellhole. The anti-hero, Alex Mercer gained
superpowers from the virus and took to the streets looking for the cause of the
outbreak. Along the way he battles a variety of monsters, zombies and soldiers,
all hell bent on making him dead. Why am I explaining this? I hear you ask. The
simple answer being that Prototype 2
is practically identical.
The game
takes place just after a second outbreak. You play as military commander James
Heller. Heller’s wife and daughter have been killed by the virus, giving him a
homicidal obsession with Mercer, the man who he believes is responsible. One
thing leads to another and Heller ends up with superpowers, and decides to take
to the streets looking for the cause of the second outbreak. Along the way he
battles a variety of monsters, zombies and soldiers, all hell bent on making
him dead. Sound familiar?
The worst
part is that it starts off looking like a completely new and interesting story,
but quickly dissolves into the same repetitive patterns that flawed the first
game. The developers have had 3 years to work on, and perfect the formula, but
it seems like they have been sat there, twiddling their thumbs, rather than
working to improve on the issues that brought down the original.

This isn’t
helped by the re-use of enemies over and over. It won’t take long to see that
you’re fighting an army of clones. Even boss battles are overused, such as the
monstrous Goliath. It’s fun the first time you take the beast down, but when
you get to the third or fourth battle, even this becomes tedious.
My final
negative comes from the visuals department. The game mostly looks like a good
PS2 game. Particularly the explosions, which are just still yellow and orange flares,
then the object disappeared. Some of the explosive scenes actually made me
cringe, and took me back to the days of the first 3D Sonic the Hedgehog game.
pre-rendered CGI cutscenes look pretty average, but they do earn points for
style. The black and white filter that we see them in contrasts dramatically
against the red, which is the only colour that’s shown. Objects like Heller’s
hood, or Mercer’s jacket stand out against the colourless backdrop, which does
look pretty cool at first. Unfortunately, by the end of the game, this has been
used too often, and looks more like a cheap gimmick than a stylish technique.
The game
isn’t all doom and gloom though. There is certainly much fun to be had in the
customisation. Everything you do, from completing missions, to killing random
enemies, and completing the challenges scattered around the city, everything
earns you Evolution Points, or EP. When you gain enough EP, you level up,
allowing you to upgrade one trait, such as movement speed or the strength of
your attacks. There are also challenges around the city for you to complete.
The challenges come in sets, and when you complete a set, you gain a Mutagen,
which makes one particular power much stronger, by adding a perk of your
there’s a lot to do. New York is huge, and is separated into three zones;
green, red and yellow. Each zone means something, but it’s never really made
clear what it is, aside from the number of infected running wild through the
streets. There are challenges everywhere you go. Each area has a collection of
Dead drops to collect, field operations to decimate, and infected lairs to
clear out. There are also Blacknet
challenges, which involve you sabotaging a Blackwatch
operation, by consuming, and using the memories and identity of someone high up
on the chain. As with many aspects of the gameplay though, these challenges
become boring, and you’ll soon find yourself just doing the main quest.
If you
enjoyed Prototype, you will probably
enjoy Prototype 2, but if-like me-you
found it a little to repetitive, then you may be a little disappointed at the
lack of change in the sequel. The graphics, gameplay and story all just add
minor changes to those in the original, so memories of playing this game may
blend into the memories you may have of playing the first. The increased level
of customisation adds a little spark to the otherwise bland playthrough, but I
only played this game once, and I doubt I’ll be going back to it anytime soon.
6/10 – OK
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